- The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is reported to have said: -

β€œFor all things there is a key and the key to Jannat is love for the poor and needy. They are the ones who will be in the company of Allah on the Day of Resurrection.”

Due to the current economic recession, it is one of the busiest sections of the society as the high unemployment rate has forced many people to seek assistance from funds.

This division of the society clearly mirrors the humanitarianism of the Muslim community as more and more people find themselves below the breadline.

The society is responsible for feeding and assisting 400 families per month, thus providing them with meat, bread, eggs, milk, rice and each family is also allocated a grocery and a vegetable voucher to obtain groceries and vegetables to their requirements.

At times of need they are also assisted with their back payments of their rent and water and electricity accounts.

The monthly average budget of this division is approximately R40,000.00 – Zakaat, Sadaqa and Lillah contributions are welcomed.

Members and volunteers personally deliver close to 400 Food parcels as well as grocery vouchers every month

Make a difference,
The monthly average budget is approximately R40,000.00 – Zakaat, Sadqa & Lillah contributions are welcomed.

Established in:


Welfare Distributions on Average:

Members and volunteers personally deliver close to 400 Food parcels as well as grocery vouchers every month

Reason for Establishment:

This division of the society has been established for the destitute public of Lenasia irrespective of race, colour and creed.

Source of Funding:

Some food items and grocery vouchers are donated to the society from donors on a monthly basis. The shortfall is eliminated by other donations (zakaat, sadqah) and by members themselves.


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